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Modern Easter Gift Baskets

Modern Easter Gift Basket DIY | How to Create Adorable Minimal Easter Baskets | by

With Easter just around the corner. I thought it best to keep our Easter Gift Baskets on the minimal side this year.

With just the right amount of this and a little bit of that, you can create simple -yet very thoughtful gift baskets for just about anyone. In a minimal world. More doesn't mean better.

Giving just the right amount of elements to delight and surprise your loved ones is easier than you think and remember -keep it simple.Just by adding a few sweet treats here and there, followed by a bit more fun little (toy) surprises is all you really need to create your very own minimal Easter gift basket(s).  

Many times as a parent blogger, I often try to cram in way too much in a week, that at the end of my days, I'm just too exhausted to think of ways to 'Go Big!'  I finally get it, less is best!! Least in my busy world, part-time job outside the home, blog, kids, husband, a household to run and not to mention my passion to share my ideas as often as humanly possible, can often times leave me feeling burnt out at the end of the week. That now, I'm on a "less stress mission," to help make life easier.:)

Now let's get started

Here you have these lovely Meri Meri Funny Bunny Surprise Eggs. Which I found last year at my local TJ Maxx Store. Sadly, I haven't seen any online or in-stores this year.

Malted Milk Eggs, inside plastic test tubs.  

Double Crisp Carrot Chocolate Treats via Target. 

How about this sweet little Hand Crafted Melville Candy Bunny, packaging states there Gourmet Lollipops via Homegoods.

Above, you have clear glitter bouncy bunny balls and light up bunny batons via Target. Plus those adorable Meri Meri Funny Bunny Surprise Eggs from before.

And lastly, those two very charming well dressed bunnies are from; drum roll please... Homegoods. 

If you haven't already started putting together your homemade Easter Gift Basket(s).  Maybe you'd like to consider some of these ideas?

Let me know if you plan to recreate this project and/or if any of my tips were helpful in some way. Until next time -Happy Crafting!

- Maritza.